"If you do what you've always done, you'll be where you've always been"
A little different feel to the blog this time around, not really so much about my self proclaimed quest to 50 as it as just about an update on life. So first of all, and probably most disappointing for some of you, I've decided to skip out on going to AA for Thanksgiving. I've decided that these next two months I need to focus on two things, working and saving money. There's a great deal about the Business I'm in that you guys don't understand yet and eventually you will, (with the exception of Wheeler, who already gets it), but essentially I'm in a position now where if I put in some quality work, I can greatly improve my financial situation and get myself rolling on the career path. That being said, an impromptu trip to AA usually runs me about 400 bucks when it's all said and done, counting the ticket cost and the amount of food and alcohol I will undoubtedly consume while there; not a terribly big deal but I'd rather save that and use it for something else at this point in time. That being said, CHIN mentioned the idea of a Chicago for New Years trip, that sounds pretty sweet to me so that will be my plan for the time being.
Bottom line, for the months of November and December, no one will out work me. I have a very tangible vision for my future, and our future as friends, and today marks the day where I put all my efforts into making that vision a reality. People always say you can do whatever you put your mind to, well after spending a weekend with a couple of millionaires, I believe that to be unquestionably true. The American dream is simply that we can accomplish anything with hard work, and I'll show you guys exactly what that means, that is a promise to you, but more importantly a promise to myself and my family.
Ok switching tones again A little wrap up of these past couple weeks. Wheeler and Sweeney came to Baltimore a couple weekends ago and we had a blast. Unfortunately "Stupid Raymond" missed his first flight so my all day plans for Saturday fell through, but they still got to see a small fraction of the Baltimore nightlife on Saturday night. Wheeler spent the rest of the weekend with me and I got to show him around a little bit more, and just in typical Wheeler fashion he ended up taking a tour of the Harbor with some stranger on his boat haha. After hanging out with them I realized that the times we spend together will never really change, we all still have the same type of personalities when going out and still find a way to be the life of the party in one way or another. Eventually my plan is to get EVERYONE out here to Baltimore, and then to DC and then CHICAGO, and yea even DENVER. I love AA and all, but we all live in different exciting cities now so no reason why we all can't travel to see each other.
Last weekend I flew out to Seattle with my boss Eric and another co-worker Ulysses. To sum the trip up, 1/2 business, 1/2 learning, and 100 percent awesomeness. Spent some time in Meetings and going out on Campaigns with different clients, and learning how to be a better trainer, recruiter, and salesman. The awesomeness came from Hanging out in Seattle with a handful of really successful men and women. At some point someone told me that if you want to be successful, you find someone in the position you want, and then ask them how they got there, I spent 48 hours doing exactly that and I've never been more inspired. The most inspirational part was seeing that these people weren't anything special, they weren't given any unique talents or gifts, they were just willing to put in the hard work in the beginning, and when everyone else was giving up and moving on, they endured. So now my resolve, which has always been strong, is rock solid, I Will Change my Stars (sorry for the Knight's Tale reference).
Lastly, to address the title of the post, I feel like I've finally gotten a chance to start. Most of the time in this job i've been on the bench, taking notes and watching people go out and perform. Well thats not the case anymore. In every aspect of life there is an "in crowd" whether it be work, school, social life, or sports, We all know this better than most people, being athletes and such. At work, the in crowd are the people that you just know will be successful, they have that swagger about them that commands attention when they walk in the room and says "follow me and your life will change."This weekend was the first time I felt like I joined the ranks, I wasn't just seen as someone on the team, but an Impact player. No longer are people talking about how I have the "potential" to do big things, now they have the "expectation" that I will do big things. I should note that there wasn't a specific moment or instance where people just started saying these things, but I can sense that the perception people have about me has changed in this manner, and perception is all I need to influence and then to lead. If this is confusing to you, which Im sure it has to be, you are more than welcome to give me a call to get some more detail, but I would say just sit back and watch, and you will see for yourselves the differences we are all about to experience together.
With that being said I wish you all the best as you continue to progress towards your goals, if you don't know what your goals are or feel like you're working towards anything, I urge you to take a couple minutes and write them down. Whenever life throws us a curve ball, which it always does, having your goals in mind will make overcoming them all the easier.
Looking forward to the future that lies ahead of us and working hard in the present to get there....
Go Blue.