Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well lets see where are we now? Currently heading into the second day of Basketball tryouts and while the turnout is much less than I expected, at least the kids recognize a change in the old ways of doing things and have shown up with a desire to do great.

Having a conversation with my dad and lil bro last night, mainly about his college visits and choices, my dad and I agreed on one thing, which doesn't happen often. We both agreed that Greatness is not something that you are born with (except in special and rare cases like Lebron James) but rather it is something that you are Always Working Towards. Simply put, its more of a motiviation, to be great, and not something that you should really already consider of yourself. After all, if you are already there, whats the motivation for you to move forward? Thats just a little wisdom that we shared together which was nice, especially since it's something that I'm telling the kids that I'm coaching for both basketball and track.

Similarly, I started looking into programs for school where I can maybe have a grad assistant coaching opportunity. I mean at this point I've always felt like I would want to coach as a hobby or part-time thing, so if its a way for me to get into school to and have help paying for it then why not seize the opportunity presented to me. Like I posted a long time ago, opportunity is something that comes every once in awhile, and when we miss it, its often we are left regretting and wishing we had acted differently. Another word to the wise from last night's conversation....Life doesn't slow down for anyone. In today's age where you see more people dieing of crazy things and at all ages (two kids who recently graduated from my high school recently died) we have to remember to take advantage of our situations and not spend our time idly.

Ok thats the serious type stuff for the post, the other thing I wanted to talk about was 45 and I guess on the same note me and relationships in general. Eh I mean to give a brief background, this past weekend I hung out with 45 and her friends and while yes they are attractive, I have recently learned that they're not terribly fun. Sure I have been spoiled by 1502 and UM...but there comes a time when we should not have to settle for mediocre times, I mean if I'm making the effort to go out and hang out with people the least I could do is have fun right? Im sure you're wondering, what's wrong with them, why aren't they fun? Well I don't know exactly. I mean its not that they specifically aren't fun its just that the things they like to do I don't consider that fun. There's something to be said about the randomness and spontaneous acts of 1502 that always kept us on our toes and kept things exciting. Even though we often went to the same places (Rick's and Charlies) we still managed to make each experience there unique and build stories from them. With the people I hang out with now, not so much ha. I guess the best way to put it into words, even though it doesn't really do my state any real justice, is that I'm just bored. I'm tired of the redbull vodkas, I'm tired of the sub par dancing and lack of anything interesting on the dance floor, I'm tired of seeing people ruin the dougie, haha seriously just dont do it if you are going to murder it ha. I'm all for having fun and not caring what you look like, BUT when people actually BELIEVE they know what they're doing, its the worst.

"These are the people we have picked to be with" in the case of 45, she's all about these kind of nights, and I mean I can't really blame her. When things aren't going so well she can run off with her girls and get guys to buy them drinks, flirt it up for a bit, and then come back to me knowing I'm waiting. On the flip side, I can't really abandon her or her friends to dance with what I consider much more fun people or better looking girls, because at the end of the day thats an argument waiting to happen. Double Standard? Perhaps, but too many times I've been judged and "monitored" by friends and it never ever ends well. I guess I have put myself in this situation. I'm in this pseudo boyfriend type stage that allows me to go days without talking to her and I guess do whatever I want, but then when I'm with her I'm expected to stay by her side or let her go for a bit to get some drinks and attention. Oddly enough I don't get jealous when she does that stuff, I could care less, what that says is either I'm finally not a  jealous person...or more accurately I just don't like her enough to care. Where does this all leave me, a question that I ask almost every post ha, well the same place as I started. You know how usually when you spend more and more time with someone you tend to have feelings that grow? Well for me thats not the case. I don't want to say that I necessarily like 45 less as time goes on, which has happened in the past, but things aren't going really forward, meaning they're staying the same.

What's the soultion...Meet new people. It's my solution to everything ha. Basically I still need to find a decent group of people to go out with, and then also maybe shop around and see what's out there. I'm in no hurry to find 46 but it wouldn't hurt to run some checks and balances....eh probably not the right choice of words but oh well.

Off to pracitce, where I get to make these kids do whatever I want and have them believe I know what I'm talking about...which I eventually will know ha.

1 comment:

  1. What does you "shopping around" mean to 45? I feel like if you don't like the staying the same, its not something she's about to change. Could Black Ops be a factor, haha...
