I would like to start off this post by saying that I may have finally figured out why I find myself deflowering so many innocent girls. If you do not know me personally, you'll probably take that the wrong way, but oh well. In any case, last night, well rather this morning I realized something about drunk Stev...you absolutely MUST repeat yourself OVER and OVER again if you want me to stop. I'd like to think that while sober, I can accurately respect people's boundaries and no means, well no. However, for Drunk Stev, that is entirely not the case. He will take any hint of yes, or flirtation, or really any hesitation on your part to say no, as a GREEN LIGHT. One example, if I know a girl is a virgin, and I'm sober, I will do everything in my power to make sure that I not only DONT sleep with her, but make any experience as smooth as possible. On the other hand, when DRUNK Stev comes out, he has no qualms with ignoring a No or 3 until he gets what he wants. 47 was the latest victim to this scenario. Allow me to explain...
To put it simply, 47, or Helen as we'll call her, has been dating this guy that lives is D.C. They've been dating a while but she refuses to make it "official." You guys should already know my distaste with this topic so no need to go into detail about it. Fast forward to last night where after a night of drinking and dancing Drunk Stev and Helen lay in bed together. Naturally Drunk Stev starts to make his move where he's kissing her, getting friendly with his hands etc. Eventually, after there was no sign of dislike from Helen, Drunk Stev progressed to the next phase....hands down her pants. It was here where most guys, and admittedly even my sober self would have hit their first hurdle and perhaps stopped for the night. Helen lighty pushed Drunk Stev's (We'll make it easier to type and just say "DS" from now on) hand away saying "but I have a boyfriend." DS tried again and this time she responded "No Stev really I have a boyfriend, I can't" Once again, most normal people would stop now and admit defeat, but DS is not a normal person, after all third time's a charm right?...Well Yes it was. DS just brushed off the mention of "boyfriend" and this time unbuttoned her jeans for easier access and then success his fingers were doing what they do best. After a period of body gyrations and moaning, DS decided it was time to do his favorite activity, venture down below and see what Helen tasted like (Don't forget I said I would be more graphic from now on, so if you don't like to picture me going down on a girl then well that sucks for you). If I remember correctly, she tasted great. A great kisser too, just a side note. On his way down DS heard Helen mumble something about "no" or "stop" or "wait" but he was well passed listening to her fake notions of caring and was in go time mentality. After another undisclosed amount of time, probably a good 15 minutes (my favorite activity) DS decided that it was time to go for the kill...full blown penial penetration. Sometimes Sober me, if I've made it this far, will still be content and stop, and think about my actions and their consequences....DS not so much, his persistence up to this point had made it so nothing was going to stop him from reaching this goal, the goal of getting number 47. You all know how the story ends here, I did work and she enjoyed herself. My basement bed is very noisy but DS somehow still managed NOT to wake sleeping friend Ryan on the couch across the room or anyone else in the house...SUCCESS.
Moral of the story, DS is kind of a jerk and in order for him not to win a girl must REALLY make it CLEAR she wants NO part of hooking up. I mean really don't give DS an inkling that you might be interested or else he will pounce on you like a lion on a unsuspecting gazelle. Looking back, it's probably what allowed for 80% of my virginity cards was this DS perseverance characteristic.
Thanks to Blogger being down I lost most of my interesting thoughts about how to tell this story so unfortunately that's all you guys get now.
A little about 47...Who is she?
Well like I said her name is Helen. Coincidentally Wheeler is responsible for me meeting her and I guess eventually hooking up with her so thanks for the long range and long term Wing-man (pending he EVER reads any of our blogs). Anyways Helen is an old friend of Wheeler's from good ole Menlo Atherton high school who went to undergrad at U Wisconsin where I met her at big ten's one year. She moved to Baltimore because her roommate wanted to and then fast forward to us being excited she was in the same city as me and then finally hanging out.
I think she is a very beautiful girl and really her personality is awesome. She's a Cassie type meaning she's a perfect fit to go out in groups with, even if it's just the guys and her. She's (insert all sorts of random compliments here to convince you that I think she's pretty cool). But most of all, I think that she will continue to be cool even now that we've hooked up. For some reason she was completely un phased this morning about the "boyfriend" and just went on home to get ready for work. Completely cool with the fact that she was at my parents house and just smiled about me "taking advantage" of her...So to go along with the title I think I actually like this girl. Not the girl friend want to wife up like, but the yeah I want to hang out with you whenever the weekend rolls around like. I predict that the honeymoon phase of our friendship might just last the entire time we know each other. Plus, my mom says she really likes her, and we all know MOM'S KNOW BEST.
As for the second part of the post title, I think Helen and I can be honest friends. My idea of Platonic, is more of a realistic one where I think that a male and female can coexist as friends without either one wanting to date the other. Naturally the term "like" can't be used here because friends HAVE to like each other. Girls and guy friends will almost always be sexually attracted to each other (If you don't think he/she is cute, then he/she thinks that about you), but they can be Platonic if they can play off of that and just be cool without wanting more. I don't think that friends with benefits counts, as most of the time it ends because one person wanted/wants more, so for now I will see how Platonic Helen and I can really be. The secret really is to keep her involved with all your friends (hanging out wise, NOT hooking up wise) so that you just don't end up doing too much DATE type stuff.
As for now, I'm off to another night of drinking, plus a day long County Championship track meet tomorrow. Hopefully I do something to blog about.
Notable mentions: 47 is the first girl I've hooked up with in Baltimore (sex) besides 45 in the last 5 years. Almost all of my girls have come from my time in AA, and I guess Helen counts that way too since I met her while attending UM.
Helen is half-black, so I ALMOST have hooked up (sex) with a Black girl ha.
I really like half-black girls, kinda the way Chin doesn't mind half Asians.
I hung out with 45 and her friends last night and was well received by all of them. The Guys especially. I think that some of the girls MAY HAVE been putting on a friendly FRONT, but then again I'm an optimist so maybe not. (They and I had no idea I would be hooking up with Helen when they met her that night)
I love it! Honesty is best and i'm glad that you've realized that DS is not a mortal man, he's an animal. It's NOWAY u randomly just trip and fall into all of these V-cards by being nice and respectable. But at the rents house??? C'est tres interesant! Avec mes parents dan notre maison, c'est ne pas possible a faire salopes dans me chambre.