Friday, June 10, 2011

The Weeknd

So Chin and I were talking last night, and we thought that it might be a good idea to literally go to Wheeler. From our understanding he is STILL in Colorado, and hasn't had any kind of official I'm going to Cali news yet so we were thinking how about planning a trip there? Just a thought, sounded good to us, of course I was well on my way to drinking and Chin well is always happy ha.

On that note, I checked out a group that Chin had been recommending for some time now, the Weeknd and I have to say I'm a fan. The thing about me and music is that it's similar to me and movies, it doesn't take much for me to give the thumbs up. The only difference with Music is that for me music is a very mood based activity. Like there are certain things I like to listen to when running/cleaning/partying/dancing/cooking/chilling/writing/playing with myself, etc. So basically if any of you are interested (which you should be) this mixtape (House of Balloons) falls in the chillin/writing category. Something that I can listen to without necessarily wanting to be caught up in the lyrics. The undertones and beats are really laid back in my opinion, which is perfect for me writing but no so much if I'm trying to have a dance party (something that really doesn't exist outside of college, sadly). I was never a good person for writing reviews, so the only real way to see if you can vibe with them is to check them out yourself, and I think the term "vibe" really applies to them.

I shared my life dream with my parents this week, which is a little different from what my life dream used to be. I no longer want to open a clinic eventually and help people that way, I've chosen a different set of people to help. This conversation led to two things, 1.) my dad actually loving my idea and telling me this inspiring story about how teach for america was founded. and 2.) him telling me I need to find a job now. I guess it was the best I could have hoped for. When people say the "job market" is down and all that stuff I think most of us misunderstand. Honestly, there are probably hundreds of jobs we each could go out and get, being semi-educated or even uneducated, but these are not the jobs we "want." These are the service jobs, you know selling stuff to people in any fashion; anything from fast-food to insurance. But the market that is hard to find a job in is the "real" job market, the jobs that require college degrees and well educated folk. So basically with my narrow job search it made it a little difficult to find something this summer, with the school year ending and my teaching position and coaching coming to an end. So really what my father was saying to me was "I love your dream, I love that you have a dream, I know you'll make it there someday, but that is not today. So for now, you better find a job that pays." Very wise words dad haha, but his point is well taken. So the moral of the story here is that for the next week or so I'll still try to find something in the psychology field for a job, something that doesn't have to do with psychopathology. If things don't work out there, then I'll probably just find some kind of random job so I can just make money and keep saving. Chin has really inspired me to think about moving out because well as great as living with your parents is, it's not all that great.

Looking ahead, I'm going to Atlantic City again this weekend. This time it's with a completely new group of people, I guess they're the ones I've been hanging out with more lately, and when I say new they are all actually people I've known since Middle/High School but people I didn't really hang out with all that much. These are people that when the hear the number "48" they think I have some magical powers that allow me to pick up girls however and whenever I want, I mean honestly if that was the case my number would probably already be over 100. So whenever we go out, they always just watch me and wait for some girl to come crawling into my arms, which only happens if they're really drunk and can't support themselves ha. BUT since it's a birthday trip, I think I might put on my best Galfing outfit, pull out the "do work" clubs and really attack this course(s), just in case something really special happens and there's more than one.

So Cassie has this new guy now, we ever going to make that 1502 marriage bet? I'm pretty sure I'm behind now and I believe O might be either slightly behind or in front of me ha. Does that mean Cassie is about to pass Wheeler up as the new front runner?


  1. um no stev...a date/dates does NOT mean marriage!!!

  2. FUCK THAT!!! I better be LAST, "hands up in the air...
