Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Looks like I will be the first to post since Sweeney accurately reached out and informed us that it has been far too long since any of us have.

My weeks have all gone the same recently, I work during the week, and drink during the weekends. As far as anything exciting, I still haven't really gotten anything going with any particular girl, although people do seem to have a fun time bringing girls to hang outs so I can meet them. But this for me presents a problem and let me tell you guys why.....

First of all, a little background. On our side of the office we are way over stacked on testosterone, its like a 80 20 guy girl ratio and I know it was awhile since we all applied to undergrad but everyone knows those numbers suck. So naturally everyone reaches out to the few girls and then girlfriends to bring more girls around whenever we hang out. So usually at least once a week I get the text: "Stev! I'm bringing a friend on thursday!" or "Stev! my friend is coming on Saturday ; ) " One might think that this is a good thing, afterall bringing girls specifically to meet me sounds like a win. However, if any of you remember one thing about me, remember this, I HATE girls that are highly sought after, or girls that are constantly getting the attention from every guy in the room. I know this is one of the few areas that me and O disagree, as he loves to know that every guy is drooling over his girl, me not so much haha. Anyways you can probably imagine where this is going. 20 something guys being overly excited to see any new face that has a vagina. So "Hey I'm bring a friend" turns into every guy in the office hurrying to meet her and talk to her and pretty much smother her, even the guys with girl friends ha. So what ends up happening, well I do what I do best, and ignore them haha.

Yes I know that this is a little sad that my exciting story is about something as silly as that but really that the one highlight I have for you guys. Work has been up and down for me, good weeks and bad weeks, so now I'm trying to string together a couple good weeks in a row so I can start to visit you guys again. My future plans are to go out to Michigan sometime in October and then to visit Mike D sometime after that, and then get Mike O off his Detroit (look at those Lions btw, and the Tigers!) butt and come down to B-more.

I will leave you guys with this one thought. Look at your lives right now. Take a couple minutes, take in your surroundings. I promise you guys that one year from now our lives will be so drastically different that it's ridiculous. Don't ask me why I'm saying this but it just came to my head. I know we've all slipped on the blogging but honestly it is one of the easiest ways for all of us to keep up with each other as to make sure that once we all go on to become successful, we'll still have that awesome friendship to fall back on. I dont know about you guys, but I RARELY meet anyone these days that will even come close to being as fun as you guys all are, I actually laugh at people sometimes because I think to myself "these guys have no idea what fun really is" really 100+ thousand people marching on to the Big House for a night game to beat Notre Dame and then party so hard ann arbor is left in shambles, some people will never experience stuff like that and we all did. My point is that I expect to share just as many great future memories with you guys as I do past memories, so let's all keep the hustle and grind going now so we can have some awesome grown up fun in the near future.

My immediate next step is to go visit Sweeney is D.C. because well he's soo close to me its actually sad that I haven't already seen him.


  1. YES! Looking forward to seeing you soon. FYI I don't have to work next Monday so if you're looking for a long weekend I'm all in.

    By the way, I've been thinking the exact same way the last few months. Other people really don't know what a good time is.

  2. Stev, I miss you and your blogging. I feel like you were actually telling me to reflect and all that last paragraph. I think keeping up the blogging is a great idea...I am also going to change mine back to thoughts of a receptionist because thoughts of a student/coach doesn't look right. Can't wait for you to visit!! Let me know when and I can try to get us tickets to the football game if you come on a home weekend!

  3. Yes, let us all continue blogging since everytime I call to catch up I am greeted by a laughing Stev (DS) in a crowded place (bar) with some girl who is way too close to the phone mic to have not been saying hello. That and let's all try to have MW3 in hand and playable the day it comes out.

    I also have gotten into the routine of work on the weekdays and getthe stress out on the weekends. I can't say I'm bored of it though, the weekends usually make for great times. We'll see if I feel the se way once it cools down though.
