Saturday, September 11, 2010

I know I don't know you, But I want you, So Bad...

So usually I write about events past and current, but since I don't have anything different to add to Chin's blog post about yesterday I will take a different direction with my post today.

But before that...To confirm Chin's post, we in fact did go for a nice run toady, I estimate it was between 4.5 and 5 miles, this estimate is due to the mile markers we passed on our job. It was a nice slow pace probably around 9-10 min pace. We both felt nice and fatigued afterwards because well we haven't been doing the most physical activity lately.

Ok so for today's post, I had a conversation with a friend yesterday that made me think about this topic, Rumors. I don't mean conspiracy theory political type rumors but rather reputation rumors, specifically speaking my own reputation.  I'll be the first to admit that I love girls, in high school my mom once told me that she didn't want me to have a serious girlfriend and that I should just date a lot of girls in order to better find the type I was looking for, I admit I probably took those words too seriously and literally but yeah so thats where my rep stems from.

Those close to me understand exactly what I mean when I say that but pretty much I have had my fair share of interactions with girls. After giving it some thought I chalk this up to two things:
1.) I'm a sweet talker, I mean you probably know that but seriously I am. I've been good with words since about middle school and tend to understand what things to say to make people, girls, feel good about themselves and more comfortable around me. Now this sounds bad at first glance, but in all honestly I almost always believe what I say to girls and mean it. If i tell a girl she's beautiful, then I think she really is beautiful. If i call her special, or say she means something to me then thats all true also. The main issue here is that when you happen to say these things to multiple people, teammates, or even roommates, people tend to think you're full of, well poop.

2.) The second reason I think my interactions are high is because i'm pretty easy to please and I fall for girls pretty easy. What I mean by this is that all I need to do is find one thing I like about a girl, and then I'm hooked. For example, there was a period of time where a certain physical attribute about a girl I was attracted to, and more often to not that physical attribute lead me to start interactions with certain girls (If you can't tell i'm trying to keep this blog g-rated, at least for now).

So with these two combined, it makes for a pretty deadly combination, especially in a college environment. Neways so back to the idea of reputation rumor, so I would say that most of what people have to say about me is true, more often than not I had interactions with the people in question and it probably ended in a non relationship fashion. BUT that is not to say that I consider myself a player. Player has such a negative tone to it and I always means best when I approach a girl, or whatever the case. As a mentioned above I do like them at first but the one point where things most often turn sour is when a relationship is discussed.

Back when I formed this reputation of mine, I did not want a girlfriend. Like really didn't, but I loved girls, so my pattern was hang out with a girl for awhile, eventually she would want that next level discussion, and it would end with me saying no (which for the record I always gave as a disclaimer pre interaction, though it never stopped any of them)

So what is the point of any of this....I guess there is no point really, Just like a memoir where I had been thinking about my past and wanted to share it...

Actually this came about from a friend wondering why I didn't have more scandalous stories to share, and I came up with an answer. While I am here in Wheaton I have no real network, and by no real network I mean none. So it's a little difficult for me to get into situations where I get the opportunity to meet new people, at least thus far. But alas it's the weekend and I have high hopes yet for this suburb of Chicago.

One last thing....Go BLUE....currently beating up on ND 14-7....I will be angry if my next post says we did not win.

Stev out....

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