So its Friday, and I decided that this whole writing about yesterday thing will start to get repetitive, especially since most of the time nothing will likely happen until the nighttime. With that being said I'm gonna start to post around this time everyday, pending on our activities, with a review of last night, overview of today, and any previews for tonights activities....Yeah this is more like a story blog then a comment one but until something better comes to mind this is what you guys get!
Alright so last night Chin and I reacquired the fabled Montana mini-van, aka the party van, and headed over to Bdubs to watch half of the Saints Vikings game and visit Squires. If none of that makes sense to you then thats too bad. But fyi Squires is the last name of a friend of Chins.
Nothing much of note from last night, Saints won, we called it an early night, and I felt what it's like to have EBS...gotta start steering clear of that dairy.
Today started nice and early, 8am stretch, room organization, happiness over it being payday, and then eggs and ....sportscenter. I think a fairly nice start.
We headed over to Shane's Deli, the local hotspot of Wheaton to inquire about some partime temp help we could give Shane in this post back to school time frame, Chin was welcomed, and me as a stranger, not so much ha. i mean it makes sense and no one really wants to have to train someone for a week who's gonna leave in a week. Sad face.
Just checked out "The American" starring George Clooney, it was a pretty good movie, different, not as much action as expected, but still pretty good.
Tonight we have no plans, I mean no plans...looks like we'll just go with the flow and see where it takes us, which i happen to enjoy doing very much.
So as far as what I plan to do while in Wheaton, besides hang out, I'm just gonna play on the internet this week and see what kind of trouble and activities I can get myself into, should be interesting.
Well if anything happens I'm sure I'll post it soon.
Stev Out.....
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