All hail the Detroit Lions and their curse they can't seem to break!
Well here we are again, another day, another post. Unfortunately not much to cover here over the last day or so but after our binge in Chi town Chin and I had no intention of repeating on a Sunday Night. So most of the day we spent traveling struggling to get back to Wheaton, and once we arrived we were moving at a snail pace at best.
For some reason, I had this strong urge for a slice of cheese pizza, so Chin helped me out and we rode some bikes over to this local pizza place that was pretty darn good.
Today we had one real goal, move Chin's college furniture out of the family room and into the basement. Now that we're done that, we have no other plans for the day. I would say some Job searching, but once you submit your resume to places what else can we do? This whole waiting process really blows but the good news is that we might finally have our security deposits mailed to us to that will be a nice stimulus package.
Uh man if anyone out there is actually reading this blog I'm sure they're bored of me by now, today just not in the mood to write that much or anything too interesting but no worries, if you guys start following me, maybe i'll have some incentive to write more, or do more things to write about ha.
Some may call me a bandwagon fan, but Go Ravens....besides it's hard to follow your home team when you can't watch them from the regional Midwest channels!!
Don't fall off the bandwagon..and even Chi people know a touchdown when they see one...Bears aren't making the playoffs this year if thats the effort they're putting in