Well, less than a day passed before I eclipsed that special number, the one some of us figured was inevitable I suppose but still was a bit of a surprise to me. I suppose it was a long time coming, we have been friends and a bit more for just about a year now, and up until this point things have been moving at a nice slow pace. The time was right, the mood seemed perfect, and things just fell into place. How did it happen? Pretty similar to how most of the things of this nature do. Spent a night together drinking and being merry, took a nice cab ride home, and settled into a twin bed.
How do I feel about this one? I mean I told myself that I was done taking that card, you know being the first memory. The last time I went down this road it ended pretty horribly, I tried so long not to do it, one night I slipped up, and everything fell apart. Something felt different this time though, it felt right. Yes as corny and cliche as that is, it doesn't make it any less accurate. As some of you know, I said I wanted 45 to be something more than the others, maybe even a little special, and I think that all things considered 45 was definitely a good choice. I am pretty confident that when she looks back on the night and even me so won't have anything negative, well until I somehow find a way to ruin things and make her hate me. But again now that I am home for good, I think that it is well in my control to keep that from happening.
So to put the day into perspective. I woke up relatively early, around 9 am, went for a run through my old middle school's cross country course. It was nice to be home and wake up in a room that wasn't the basement. Anyways so came back from my run enjoyed breakfast with my mom and pops, picked my lil bro up from a soccer game, he's the manager now, and then spent most of the day playing with my computer. Around 4pm I was picked up by 45, she took me on a nice little adventure to gather her stuff from her summer hang outs and I saw her new place. Man everyone has really nice houses they live in these days, the only issue is its a good drive away, like 15 minutes, when she used to live 5 blocks away. When we finally left her house to return to mine, SURPRISE, a bunch of my friends and family were waiting here for me for a surprise Welcome Back party. Man I love my family, and I love being home.
So at this party my mom made all of our favorite finger foods, wings, meatballs, and burgers and hot dogs. We had a couple cases of keystone light and 45 and me went on a 5-0 beer pong streak. I think this is where my drunk came from because we played 2 beers a game but she was drinking wine most of the time so I was drinking about 2 beers a game. Afterwards we headed into Towson to the bars, had a great time dancing and drinking more, and then took a cab ride home. It was my very first cab ride in Maryland ha. We usually drive or go out close to someone's house and walk back. Apparently I was very friendly to the cab driver. Randomly in the night I had asked 45 if she was still in possession of her card, and she said yes and that she thought I was a good choice to give it to. This conversation must have been playing in my subconscious all night because as soon as we returned I took her for her word.
So thats all the details you get for now. Nothing too spicy or crazy But yes 45 has come, she's great and hopefully there is a long time before you guys here about 46...if she ever comes! ha.
wow stev...does 45 know about this blog?!
ReplyDeleteOhhh Stevann, I guess my house was just a cockblock...maybe Ron would be cool with some bp at my next surprise party. So was 45 in on the surprise? Was it her job to get u out of the house? U seem pretty excited about all this, im glad for u buddy.
ReplyDeletePs...why did u have so much laundry (8 pillowcases)?
Haha well to answer you Cassie, 45 does not know about this blog...not yet at least...
ReplyDeleteAnd Chin, yes she was in on the surprise, and I was in a very good mood when I wrote it ha. And some of the laundry was the stuff on the bed before I got to Wheaton.