Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everybody Dies But Not Everybody Lives

Pink Friday leaked, or dropped today, I'm pretty satisfied I must admit. In the absence of Lil Wayne I've grown pretty fond of Nicki Minaj and recommend the listen, if not the download, to everyone out there.

Today is the first day where I'm in charge of conditioning, I spent all night laying in bed wondering what I'm going to do with them...should I make it unbearable type conditioning in which they will hate me? Or should I take the "this is only going to make you stronger route" Ah who knows, basketball conditioning usually consists of suicides, which I think are not that difficult and outplayed so maybe I'll just get creative. Creativity, what a nice concept.

So earlier I mentioned "shopping around" What I meant by that was not necessarily girls but friends. Right now the only females in my life are my mom and 45...So from that standpoint I would love to add a couple of more friends in the mix because having girls around never hurts and I like to have a girl's opinion on things. So the other night I was out and very drunk and very bored, I reconnected with an old friend from high school, she told me we should "catch up." Usually when people say that to me I ignore them but in this case I think I might try to reconnect. Why? Well first of all I did a little facebook "searching" and saw that she seems to have a nice group of NEW (meaning not highschool) friends that she hangs out with on a regular. So that seems like a good opportunity to meet some new and hopefully interesting people. Secondly, I really am just bored seeing the same people now so in the very least one night out with someone new should at least sate my appetite for a little bit. And lastly, I always had kind of a baby crush on this girl, the first partial asian I ever liked ha. That was for Chin. So neways I'm thinking I'll give her a call thursday to set up some weekend plans. On a side note, Chin commented on how he thinks that at times he's a little OD with girls rewriting messages and overthinking situations, I agree but I think that even though most guys won't admit it, that's something that we all tend to do. There was once a "guy code" that dictated how long you had to wait to call a girl back and stuff like that. Personally I've suffered both fates. Being overly enthusiastic when I met a girl and annoying her to the point where she wanted nothing to do with me. And conversely being too laid back until she lost interest. My solution...if you want to see a girl make it obvious to her, texting is always a good choice as long as you don't draw them out but you get right to the point. If she doesn't respond, don't fret, more and more people are busy and forget to write back or something like that. Wait a day, shoot another text. If you still don't get a response then cut off instigation, and after a week if you don't hear back from her than she's not that interested. The worst case scenario is me and hairflip girl who "seems" to be really excited to hang out and what not, but then when it comes down to making concrete plans, does the best disappearing "I wasn't around my phone" act I've maybe ever seen. Moral of the story, don't hang yourself out there to dry, and like I tell all my buddies in COD...Don't Chase...Well maybe not so applicable in this case but definitely don't Over Pursue.

Here's to making kids run until they break, and then saying One More

1 comment:

  1. haha stev it is great hearing about you coaching...i yelled at my guys pretty good last night...didn't make them run...but they were looking nervous haha.

    and good lecture...don't over pursue...very true
