Monday, December 20, 2010

"You do things when the opportunity comes along" - Warren Buffett

If you guys don't know who Warren Buffett is then you should look him up. The reason I selected him as a person to quote is because this past weekend my head coach, Doug, met with Mr. Buffett to discuss some business, and yes thats a pretty big deal.

A good amount of things have happened since my last blog, I almost feel bad for leaving them till today because I will almost certainly forget them, but I'll just give the sparknotes version of the important stuff.

We won our first game on Friday, and lost our fifth game today.

On Saturday Night I went out for the first time solo to a Christmas party. I went alone because 45 was at work and well I was curious to see what it would be like flying Stag. Its been probably over a year since the last time I was left at Ricks alone, which is the closest thing to going out alone that I've done, as you 1502'ers know. I must admit it was very fun. Maybe it was the fact that it was an ugly sweater party and possibly because the age group was mixed, from 21yr olds to about 30 somethings, either way I just seemed to mesh in well. The only problem with going to a party alone is that well at different parts of the night you end up exactly that, alone. I would look up and see that guys were with their girls, or friends huddled together and I was kinda just floating around. That was really the only downside, that and the fact that my random draw partner for the Beer Pong tourney decided to not hit a single cup. Lost in the first round, another shout out to 1502 ha. But I did manage to meet a couple of cute girls at this party, most of them taken however. All in all I realized that I miss house parties, at least college house parties. I miss the dance floor where I did most of my damage, and I  miss the keg talks and random drinking games we would start and join. More and more I see how different life is becoming now that we've moved on and yeah adjustment is going slowly.

Sunday was a football day of madness, but other than that not much to note of.

The other reason I selected that quote is because it makes me think about 45. Opportunity. I have one here with a good girl who really likes me and yet I hesitate. I don't want to hurt her, and deep down inside somewhere I feel like I will. It's because I know that no matter what happens, I won't want to cross over into that really serious phase of a relationship just because my direction in life at this point doesn't have room for something like that. What I mean is that I don't know where I will be next year, probably coming back home for the Holidays but I don't know where from. And to get serious now without a direct path in front of me just seems reckless. So I've decided to talk to her about it and just let her know flat out. I like you, like spending time, like hanging out and hooking up, but I do not want to get any more serious than we are now....How will that turn out exactly? Who Knows.

On a totally different note, as you know I'm mostly an optimistic person. When it comes to future events and finding the bright side and everything I'm mister positive. As you might also know when it comes to people I'm pretty negative. I almost never give people the benefit of the doubt because more often than not people suck. They are bad by nature and even worse in reality. But usually I look friendly and you'll never notice. I had no idea, couldn't fathom really how bad kids have gotten these days. On friday morning during a sub job I get called down to the principals office. Yeah like in High School as if I did something wrong or skipped class. I then watched a video of a class I subbed for previously, and in this video, in the middle of a classroom, two kids were pretty much dry humping and making out. Yes in the middle of the classroom. SoOOO many things wrong here: First, a girl was taping this whole event....kinda messed up.
Secondly, the entire class was watching and being quiet during the event....pretty messed up.
Thirdly, two kids were making out and dry humping in the middle of class....Very Very Messed up.
And Lastly, I was supposed to be watching the class and I managed not to notice this whole thing....unforgivably messed up.
I was speechless after watching the video. I had never imagined that people would ever even think to do something like that, much less tape it and watch it. And oh yeah, the girl who tapped it decided to POST IT ON HER FACEBOOK....ugh.

Moral of the story I got sent home for the day and I'm on some kind of substitute teacher probation. Don't get me wrong I took all responsiblity for that day. I'm supposed to be making sure kids are behaving correctly and doing their work and clearly I did nothing of the sort. You may wonder how something like this went unnoticed, well pretty much I was doing research of other Basketball teams on the teachers computer, and unfortunately for me, because I cannot multi-task, the computer was facing away from the kids. So for the 10-15 mins I was looking up the other teams on our schedule, two kids were putting on a softcore porno in the middle of my classroom....The life lesson I took away from all this is that kids are way worse than I ever imagined they could be. I do my fair share of PDA, stealing a kiss in the hallway maybe, but nothing in class and nothing near that level. Who even thinks to do something like that. It is beyond me.

Well I am currently awaiting a phone call to hear if i'm allowed to take my already booked sub job on Wednesday, which coincidently is for the same class where all this happened. I will update you guys on what happens.

On another side note, the party on Saturday was a BYOB party, which I found to be fantastic. Not only did they save on the cost of alcohol, but drunk people almost always leave their extra behind as we always buy way more than we need. Now they can drink for free for the next month at least. If we have a reunion party sometime in the future, let's apply this method.

Here's to hoping my kids learn how to become somewhat respectable adults, and learn how to win a basketball game.

1 comment:

  1. Warren Buffet is a stud, you should try and get in on that deal. There are a lot of kids out there there these days that are just crazy and irresponsible. I'm sure it has to be frustrating seeing that in Costco size at a HS, I just get peaved at the ones that come into the deli.
