Sunday, May 15, 2011

Backseat Driver....Revisiting 45

So I finally found the flaw to DS....He has a soft spot for people that normal Stev has a soft spot for. To keep it brief, last night I slept next to 45 and one of her ridiculously cute friends. At one point in the night 45 said "no" or made the gesture to push DS's hands away and he just gave up. No second advance, no persistence until success, not even a second thought. My speculation is that because I actually like 45 as a person and care about her in one way or another, that subconscious heart actually carries over to DS....very interesting to know....

So last night I decided to give hanging out with 45, and by that I mean entirely devoting my night to hanging out with 45, a chance. I would type Kerry but the name 45 really has grown on me and I actually kind of like it, I just hope I don't end up calling her that to her face....but I digress....I hit up Frank and we decided to host a pregame at his place downtown and then go out. Unfortunately when we have a pre-game its NOTHING like the 1502 bashes, but as for this new life it's still pretty fun. 45 brought over Ashley and Amanda, quite possibly two of her best looking friends and definitely two of her more fun friends. In fact, at one point in the night both of them decided "f * it" and just danced with me, a sentiment I enjoyed thoroughly as you can imagine. Pretty much we danced and drank all night and I only became more attracted to all of them, which kinda sucks because I'm sure I COULD never hook up with any of these two because well I will forever be tied to 45.

Anyway the reason I brought this up is because I wanted to discuss a big flaw I have....girls always seem better to me after I break up with them. I'm sure there's some official term for this, but I'll call it Second Guess Syndrome. Clearly I always find myself second guessing my decision to break up with the girl and they for some reason, even if it's brief, look cuter than I remember, seem more fun that I remember, appear to have changed in some way. This story unfortunately always ends the same way, they HAVEN'T changed at all, and I, like Wheeler, seem to only LUST after them again because now they're gone and not mine anymore. Last night was a perfect example of this. 45 hasn't changed AT ALL, everything that made me break up with her is still there, sometimes even more prominent then before YET for some reason last night all I wanted to do was well her. Despite kinda liking 47, just seeing 45 again brought up the "good side" of her that I remember, you know those things that made me like her in the first place. And she even stepped her friend game up by rolling (primarily these days) with two knock outs. I mean any of these girls alone could drink for free all night (something Cassie knows all about) but put them together and they are a dynamite threesome. Amanda, the newest addition to the group, well she's trouble for me. She INSTANTLY decided that regardless of who I was, she was going to have fun with me the same as if any other guy, EXACTLY the way I wanted to be treated by 45's friends. DS is a very touch feely guy, and this Amanda allowed him to put his hands WHEREVER he wanted while dancing and while sharing a bed together. Pretty much I'm 100% certain that if 45 could be convinced to have a threesome with me, Amanda would be game in a second. So of course DS thought that 45 looked all the more appealing in these circumstances....ah I really gotta stop trying to get back with people I left. The good news is that I ACTUALLY have no interest in pursuing a relationship with 45 at this point, because like I said before nothing has changed at all, so it would end the same way with me wanting more. But now you guys know something about me, I mean it happens even with girls I've only hooked up with, I just have a hard time letting go, something I'll try to work on.

Despite having a really good time last night, there are no real notable moments to mention. A lot of dancing and free drinking, cover was 15 bucks which sucked, I HATE not living in AA anymore where 5 bucks was "too much." I didn't even say "hello" to anyone, well besides 45 but alas she doesn't count. The night started well and ended well minus not having sex.

To explain the sleeping situation, pretty much we were on a mattress in the living room of Frank's place. It was me, 45, Amanda, and my boy Alex, who got the best of the deal because well he got Amanda. So imagine 4 bodies on one full sized (unless there is a size between queen and full because it felt bigger than full but not quite queen) mattress rolling and tumbling around drunk. I would be making out with 45 and Amanda would just come in a put her face between us and look as if she was going to join only to be pushed away by 45. Alex would continually pull her away too because he was trying to do what he had to do. At one point i was putting my hands in between what I thought were 45's legs but ended up being Amanda's, not only did she KNOW it was me doing it but she let me know she enjoyed it. She's one of those prototypical Ricks girls...Not only in mention but she's actually been to AA and spent many of drunken nights in Rick's and constantly would toast "Go Blue" with me, I mean come on what else can a Wolverine ask for? But perhaps the most persuasive thing Amanda did all night was constantly try and then eventually succeed to make out with 45. I mean I've ONLY ever seen girls make out more commonly at Ricks and they did it as if there wasn't anything particularly different about it. Very nice. I know respectable feminists like our very own Cassie probably hate when girls do that, but I will always have a hard spot in my pants for girls who are free to express themselves...I mean we all do remember the Stev and Wheeler night.

Well that about wraps it up. I'll end this post with a picture of Ashley and Amanda so you have a clue who I'm talking about. Amanda is the shorter one with dark hair and like with all pictures, this one doesn't really do her justice at all.
On and I forgot an important piece of information about Amanda, she's part Asian! But I'm sure Chin was already able to tell.