Friday, October 8, 2010

the social network: The Title Game

A pretty standard set of thursday night events, followed by a basic friday....Went out into town on Thursday Night with 45 and her friends, I got to see the really cute ones that don't make it out all that often and it turns out they are actually really fun. It was the first time that we all hung out together, usually I just see them in the background with a guy or two, kinda makes me miss having my own crew of wing men and women (Cass) around....It's like I'm pseudo living the college lifestyle as most of these friends of 45 are still in school.

In any case, people have been asking me a lot recently if 45 and I are dating, I guess it makes sense for them to ask since I'm most likely the only guy they see her with, and whenever they do see her I'm usually with her. All this talk makes me wonder what the whole deal is with titles. I mean anyone that knows me should know that I don't put a lot of stock in titles, I believe that the two people involved know the extent of their relationship and don't really need to have a neat title attached to it, but on the same note I understand the mental aspects behind having some closure over calling someone a "boyfriend" rather than just a "friend."

Of course this lead me to ask myself...are 45 and I dating...I mean I'm pretty sure at this point that would be an accurate statement. She's the only girl I'm hanging out with and having relations with, and we spend a lot of time together, we like each other. Its really not much else attached to it, sometimes I pay for her sometimes she pays for me, we share drinks and beds.

The title of the post stems in part from the facebook movie that 45 and I saw together today. It was actually one of the first sober activities we've done together in a very long time, like back since she came to visit me in Michigan. The movie was entertaining, had some comedic parts, serious parts, but all in all it did a decent job of giving people some sort of background on Zuckerburg and the starting up of facebook, I mean naturally it was a hollywood movie so they added some extra drama and flair to it, but definitely worth a look. Maybe not at full movie price, but discount tuesday, matinĂ©e, or 5 dollars definitely. Speaking of discount, today was my first day paying more than 6 dollars for a movie...I'm def gonna miss Movie Tuesdays in Ann Arbor.

A while ago I blogged about why its good to be a girl...and there was some dispute and comments, all warranted and true in their own ways, but I wanted to set a few things straight as well as comment on why it's good to be a guy, as I've noticed in 2 weeks back home. First of all, I wasn't saying that girls only get by on their looks and their bodies, also I wasn't saying that its a bad thing...All of the obvious physical set backs suck and the things women have to go through to actually be successful in the world is pretty bad...Now why it's good to be a guy.

Well for starters, by any stretch of the imagination, 45 is a lot of people. And as most people would be, its kind of disgusting. I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but its not something that should bring a person pride, in my eyes. Now the fact that I'm a guy makes the whole thing almost seem not that bad at all. If I were to meet a girl, and she were in my position, I don't think I would pursue anything more than a conversation with this girl. It's a terrible double standard but definitely one that only applies to girls and not guys. I suppose that makes us lucky.

Another reason is socially acceptable clothing. We all know a gentleman or two who dresses like they don't care about what they look like, and it really does nothing to hinder that guy being successful in any aspect of what he does. For the most part, all guys are required to do is wear clean clothes and shower, and most people will treat them with some semblance of respect. In relation to girls, they almost never care about what a guy is wearing in the sense that an attractive guy will still be good looking even in some shorts and a t-shirt. For girls we require and admire them when they pay attention to details in getting ready. We want them to do their nails, their hair, wear clothing appropriate for any and every situation, we want them to be revealing but classy, we want them to be sporty and sexy...pretty much we hold their standards so high its pretty ridiculous. The standard for guys, really couldn't be any lower.

In the relationship field, guys are given so much more wiggle room then girls. Girls will stay with a guy despite him doing all sorts of hurtful and unpleasant things. I'm not necessarily talking about and definitely not advocating abusive relationships, but at some point we all have known a girl who's staying with a guy for a reason we can never figure out. Last weekend I was out with a couple and the male was on the dance floor flirting and dancing and drinking and having a good time with girls all over the bar, when I asked the female what she thought, she simply replied "its ok because I know he's coming home with me." I can honestly say that I could never sit idle and let a girl "pick up" other guys at the bar and then at the end of the night be content and say ok lets go home now. I'm all for a freebie, I don't mind when I'm out with 45 and she gets a couple of drinks for free from some guys, and really don't have a problem with it when she's with her girlfriends and doing it. Hey if guys were offering me free drinks, I would do the same thing, accept them. But the point here is that guys get a free pass to have their cake and eat it too, at least with some girls, and that is a luxury that most girls will never have.

Another obvious reason is the fact that its ok for guys to be sexual being but not for girls...A little redundant but yeah guys can think about it, talk about it, do it, and even show it without getting much flack...How often do you see guys with their shirts off without anyone thinking twice about it being appropriate or not?

Ok so this by no means is  a complete list, just a few things I've noticed in my time since I've been back home. I'll talk to you guys soon.


Go Blue.....Beat State


  1. hahaha oh Chin

    Stev, I like this post better. Good comments. You would have done well in women's studies classes : )

  2. Stev... Congrats on the girl. But the best thing about this post was the shout out to the terrific tuesday deal at showcase/rave movie theatre. I was just telling one of my co-workers of our movie exploits this summer and How I managed to see so many of the new movies (including toy story like 3 and a half times haha).
